2016 - 2017 Community Service
when complete, send committee list to Officer Secretary (items donated at club meetings =.5 hr credit)
* Prado Day Center 7/6 Kristen Beljean 748-9871 (Beef Project)
* **Servers at Bidders Luncheon, Christine Allen Food Bank Booth and serve refreshments during the Auction July 30
* ** CWA Beers & Brews event 9/4 Stephanie Marden
* **Back to School Donation for Family Care Newtwork, at the September meeting 9/6 Jane Brennan
* Cow Parade 9/17 Alan VanderHorst
* **Coastal Clean up 9/17 Kathy Chechopoulos
* Oct 1 Avocado Kits: Pick avocados and make GuacamoleKathy Chechopoulos (Swine and Food Projects)
* Oct 4 Avocado Kits: Sell guacamole at the club meeting Kathy Chechopoulos (Swine and Food Projects)
* **Farmers Market 10/6 Jane Brennan
* EDNA Herd Committee: moving our Herd around town celebrating 4H Month. Leadership Project
* **Woods Wiggle Waggle Walkathon 10/23 Jane Brennan
* Alzheimers Walk 10/29 Larella Ellsworth
*Nov 1 Canned Food Drive
* **Scavenger Hunt and Potluck Committee, 11/5
* Thanksgiving meal prep 11/23 Debbie Allen (Leadership Project) for Grassroots
***Toys 4 Tots donation at the December meeting 12/6 Jane Brennan
* **SLO Holiday Parade decoration Committee, 12/5 Netherly Martinek
* **Food Bank shopping 12/17 Kathy Chechopoulos (Food Project)
* **1/10 Operation EDNA:Personal items collects for Women's Shelter and Prado Day Center (Leadership project)
* **Horse Project Bake Sale for HEET 2/7 Jennifer Browder (Horse Project)
* Dog Project- Donations for Woods at March club meeting 3/7 Jane Brennan (Dog Group)
* LOVE SLO - 3/18 Laurie Grauel
* 4/4 Cake Decorating Contest proceeds to SLOGlean
* 4/8 Enchilada Committee donation to Food Bank
* ** Officer Campout/Retreat4/28, Officer Team
* **SLO Marathon Swag Bag Stuffing 4/27 Jane Brennan
* **SLO Marathon T-Shirt Distribution 4/28&29 Jane Brennan
***4H Field Day Basket donation at the May meeting 5/2 Jane Brennan
* Woods Chihuahua Races 5/6 Jane Brennan (Dog Project)
* 5/6 SLO Cow Parade (Dairy project)
* Sinsheimer Garden work 5/11 Kate York (Gardening Project)
***By-Laws Committee, year long,Officer Team
* **First Fruit Harvesting, Kathy Chechopoulos Food Project
Community Service Opportunities 2017-18
7/5 Prado Day Center: Kristen Beljean 748-9871